- Carriageway resurfacing of R2-409/310 Matavun - Kozina from km 4,847 to 5.700 in G1-7/355 Podgrad - Obrov from km 1,217 to 1,437 and from km 1,666 to 2,050
- Construction of the road through the Križ settlement
- Investment and maintenance work on highway and expressway surfaces
- Reconstruction of the Griže local road - Sela road turning
- Cesta na Polane road - infrastructure construction 2
- Reconstruction of the Šepulje - Dobavlje road
- Demolition and modification of toll station - group 1
- Rehabilitation of municipal roads in the Rožnik settlement area
- Construction of the municipal infrastructure in Hrašče
- Construction works for the four-lane highway with roundabout on the K3 Ankaranska cesta road in Koper
- Construction works for the road through Begunje
- Resurfacing of the Divača - Famlje road
- Construction of the cycling and school route in Vrhnika
- Update of the unpaved road II Bistrica - Grda Draga
- Carriageway renovation Ajdovščina - Selo, Selo - Vogrsko
- Rehabilitation of dangerous location on main roads and local roads in the Republic of Slovenia
- Reconstruction of thje local road Podčelo - Podlipa, 3rd phase
- Construction of a roundabout near the Court in Kranj
- Renovation of Feiblova ulica street
- Construction of a municipal and traffic infrastructure of the Izletniška ulica street in Ljubljana
- Sports grounds in Podkraj
- Update of the municipal roads Velike Bloke and Volčje
- Construction of a roundabout on the transport path T1 by warehouse 19
- Renovation of the carriageway R3-754, sect. 1493 Planina - Unec
- Carriageway resurfacing of Starod-Podgrad Koper-Dragonja
- K1 roundabout in Sežana
- Carriageway resurfacing of R2-409/310 Matavun - Kozina
- Reconstruction of road R3-622/6848 Goriče - Kal, phase 2 b
- Rehabilitation - expansion of dangerous narrow section on the road R3-624/3721 Loka-Podpeč-Rakitovec
- Road resurfacing and construction of a new sidewalk at the location Na Pristavi
- Sewer system construction in Kazarje
- Asphalting the road Sinja Gorica
- Rehabilitation of area stricken by landslide in LC Otalež - Jazne
- Reinforcement of storage and manipulative surfaces of the container terminal (DEPO phase A) in the Port of Koper
- Connection of the Južna cesta road in Izola to the current Obalna cesta road
- Smaller investment and maintenance work on highway and expressway surfaces
- Expressway on the section of the expressway Koper - Izola
- Resurfacing of the road G1-7 Podgrad - Obrov and construction of passageways for pedestrians through Podgrad
- Municipal equipment of the industrial zone in Ilirska Bistrica, 1st phase
- Construction of the main road through the Seča settlement area
- Long-distance cycling connection D8 MMP Škofije- MMP Sečovlje
- Replacement of artificial grass and upgrade of footpaths in the Bonifka sports park
- Reconstruction of the Sončno nabrežje road in Izola with corresponding municipal infrastructure
- Resurfacing of the roads Pudob - Babno polje and Rakek - Logatec
- Renovation of the carriageway structure in Gabrk - Kozina in Divača - Kozina and construction of the KK and TK networks
- C road to Business park Lucija - connection to the 3rd segment
- Construction of the resting area Bertor on the Dolnji Zemon section
- G2-106/0261 Škofljica - Rašica road, upgrade of the lane for slow vehicles
- Reconstruction of the Gornje Ležeče road
- Construction of a sidewalk, including supporting walls and public lighting by the Belokriška cesta road
- Sewer system and waste water treatment plant Podgrad - 1st phase
- Construction works for the K3 roundabout in Ilirska Bistrica
- Resurfacing of the roads Pudob - Babno polje and Rakek - Logatec
- Goriče - Gorenje jezero water distribution system